Friday 17 April 2009

Post Italia!

The Post system in Italy is amazing! I have never before been instilled with the feeling my post may never reach it's destination from a Post Office worker before last week.

I was sending off my first Short Screenplay to the British Screenplay Competition, the day of the deadline. So when I asked the lady to send the letter ASAP "Subito" I was a little worried when her face turned a shade of grey and her demeanor shrivelled, which made me think that what she was rattleing off in Italian had to mean that that might not be possible!!! I was a little confused and asked for what reason did she think it was such a task that Italia post couldn't send my letter? Now I'll be honest, my Italian is getting good but this woman was incomprehensible, although I continued to nod as if I understood of course. I asked her if she thought it could arrive in a few days, to which her reply was in 5 days or more! It seems, you see, if you want to send a package or letter it's transit time very much depends on the time you decide to send it. It seemed my last minute cavaier attitude didn't wash in Italy! So I opted for the expensive 'express' delivery option which of course takes upto 3 days, and not a penny spent of that money gave me any confidence my letter would arrive at it's destination!

After my confusing morning and expensive 'Express' postal experience, my Italian friend explained to me that if you go to the post office after 9 am on a Friday they won't do anything with that post until the Monday, hence the 5 days at least explanation!

While we were on the subject I thought it appropriate to also ask my friend about a package I have been expecting for a few months. Like many things in Italy the explanation involved a shrug, a gesture that has become loaded with meaning for me in my months in Italy. This particular shrug meant, 'well, maybe it'll reach you and maybe it won't'. Comforting!

So alas I must wait for the teleport machine to be invented as I think this means of delivery might be a little more reliable! Oh and obviously if someone has written to us and not heard a reply, apologies but perhaps now you understand why!!

Thursday 2 April 2009

All things Italian

Well Italy is becoming the place I thought it would be. The weather is beginning to resolve itself and the temperature has got to an exciting 17 degrees! I've been here for 4 months now and it has rained, a lot, but still the commentators for Andy's game on the weekend said the torrential rain was 'Cosi British'! They had a good old chuckle about it but really our rain may be consistent but it's consistently pathetic at least. Here the rain really has its say, as it probably doesn't know when it'll be popping in again!

In any case yesterday was beautiful and I really felt fab driving in the car back from the gym, a glow on my face and my window down. I met the girls there for an acqua class. No that doesn't mean we were surrounded by OAP's, in fact here acqua classes are no easy ride (as I was hoping my first time!). The girls and I shared a few 'ohh that's a bit hard' moments with one another. I wonder if they felt as bad as I did last night though crawling into bed at 9 pm, much to Andy's amusement....must ask them. Or not, it could be humiliating!

I had a dreadful nights sleep too. God knows if it's all that exercise giving me energy frankly my body could cash in on, given the exhaustion. It's not really what you want though is it, extra energy during the rest times, why can't my extra energy come during the day or when I want to stay up late and watch Peak Practice? Why do they put my favorite programs after 'Bed-time'! Takes me back to being 12 and wanting to watch 'Bottom', I sneaked it occasionally...only when Mum thought I'd already gone to bed! Anyway, it was therefore a necessity that I start my morning with reading my new book in a steaming hot bath, that my muscles were craving for. Seriously I was dreaming of suds and massages all night.

And this morning feeling slightly refreshed but still hankering to be horizontal I am committing to page the two ideas for shorts I had last night as I tried to doze off, always my most creative hour!
