Saturday 20 December 2008

Right people. You need a plan.

I have come to the conclusion that you can only be a disciplined writer if you have a plan.  When you are best at your creative endeavours, where you need to be to get in the mood and this time should be uninterrupted by research or reading material, this is your sacred writing time.

We must be disciplined! Well I’ve got to, I’m really only talking about me as I have a personality that is a mixture of reactive and proactive but I definitely wait in some cases for action from someone else to start working and it is definitely the case with my writing (can I technically call it my writing if I’ve not started yet? ).

Well my plan is the beginning it’s the prelude to an epic writing adventure which ends with me conquering the writing process and winning the worlds admiration with my first screenplay!  Yeah I know maybe I should start with smaller goals, hey I’m thinking big people!



I shall wake up and read part of a script, any script for 30 minutes in the morning.

I shall start writing after I have showered and dressed.

I will write in the spare room with a desk overlooking the Juliet balcony.

I will write 10 pages or until 12.

After lunch I will read articles for my screenplay or process tips or listen to a shooting people podcast.

After this I shall look into who I am going to send this off to and check with some of the basics if the structure is working.

Writing for today is over; now onto cleaning the apartment, playing with Tinks and making the big guy dinner.




I need to concentrate on:

One screenplay, 1 hour length.

One  drama 30 mins.

One series – comedy 30 min episodes.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

I had a moment yesterday of uncertainty. It's a daunting thought to join the essentially 'self-employed world' and I waver in my steadfastness as it sometimes feels too risky to try. But I had a comforting email from Pilar telling me to Stop worrying and start writing. She is right. And my boyfriend and mother gave me a kick up the ass too!

I've finally settled into Italy, the apartment is clean my belongings have all found a home and I'm already into the swing of cleaning up after my boyfriend (he says I'm untidy, oh please!). In only 7 days I've made leaps and bounds with my Italian. Io parlo L'Italiano un poco. That's actually true now, before you'd say that only to get an inevitably incomprehensible Italian reply at the speed of light, armed with no other response that to simple repeat with an uncertainty across your face: parlo poco L'Italiano?!

At least I think I am learning enough that if the shop keeper was to run across the department store after me like a lunatic now, I would be able to explain that 'in England one can browse all the department store with a 'to-be purchased item' hanging off their arm.' Yeah, supposedly they don't do that here!!

But I'm not good enough yet to understand what our 7.30 am sex loving neighbors are saying through the walls, apart from the groans, I'm sure I know what that means!

So after getting my papers all done I am almost a Trevisian, i just need a job by 3 months in order to stay. Alas my time shall be spent between searching for a part time job and writing the next masterpiece!

Oh and it's Christmas!!!! Happy Christmas to all!

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Children's Stories

I have decided to start using my poetry to write some children's stories.

The idea came to me when recently I went shopping with a friend for a birthday present for 1 year old when I came across the Gruffalo. I think it's wonderful and thought that it would be the perfect use of the poetry I used to write. I stopped writing so often as I figured poetry had to have some profound message and my writings lacked a hidden intelligence they were really just rhyming words!

But the Gruffalo made me remember that poetry is fun -  it's lyrical all about fairytales and all things wonderfully make believe.
So...I am going to start on some ideas and see where it takes me !

Check out the website for the Gruffallo, very inspiring, I particularly like a Day in the life of Julia Donaldson, legend!!

On the Page course - Pilar Alessandra

I went to my first writing course on Saturday 29th November in London: On the Page with Pilar Alessandra.

I was a little nervous but more excited about going to the course. I have only just decided I am going to do this, so I didn't want to turn up and be the student who can't write because I think I am good at this and I didn't want to fall at the first hurdle.

Anyway the course was exactly the right one for me as 'On the Page' refers to getting those ideas out of your head and, you guessed it, on the page! 

The course was fantastic, not only because, thank god, I didn't suck but, Pilar gave us simple and easy steps that made the prospect of going on and writing seem easy. Also the group was put at ease by Pilar's approach to teaching so you felt safe sharing ideas and they were a great bunch of writers. I felt a little intimidated as everyone else was obviously used to calling themselves a writer whereas I feel like I can, could, will be one, but I'm only at the ideas stage!
However I have now been inspired by Pilar and with my resources at my finger tips I shall write all I need to get a calling card script and a writing agent. 

This being my first and only course I have nothing to compare it to but after talking with others on the course it seems it was a favorite for even the more seasoned course attendees. Here's some of their quotes:

"Must say that I've done many classes in my time but I've never met anybody who imparts quite so much really useful information in such a short space of time. Quite invigorating." Simon Rose

I thoroughly enjoyed the class on Saturday.  I must admit to being somewhat sceptical going in; I am not a fan of structural preachings (I threw McKee's book 'Story' so hard against my living room wall that it has become structurally integral to the building).  However, I was turned. " James Bicknell

You can find out lots about Pilar and the course online. I'd recommend it for anyone who really wants to start the process of putting the ideas you've had for ages to good use!

I consider this my step 2 in writing. Step 3 requires action!!!!