Saturday 20 December 2008

Right people. You need a plan.

I have come to the conclusion that you can only be a disciplined writer if you have a plan.  When you are best at your creative endeavours, where you need to be to get in the mood and this time should be uninterrupted by research or reading material, this is your sacred writing time.

We must be disciplined! Well I’ve got to, I’m really only talking about me as I have a personality that is a mixture of reactive and proactive but I definitely wait in some cases for action from someone else to start working and it is definitely the case with my writing (can I technically call it my writing if I’ve not started yet? ).

Well my plan is the beginning it’s the prelude to an epic writing adventure which ends with me conquering the writing process and winning the worlds admiration with my first screenplay!  Yeah I know maybe I should start with smaller goals, hey I’m thinking big people!



I shall wake up and read part of a script, any script for 30 minutes in the morning.

I shall start writing after I have showered and dressed.

I will write in the spare room with a desk overlooking the Juliet balcony.

I will write 10 pages or until 12.

After lunch I will read articles for my screenplay or process tips or listen to a shooting people podcast.

After this I shall look into who I am going to send this off to and check with some of the basics if the structure is working.

Writing for today is over; now onto cleaning the apartment, playing with Tinks and making the big guy dinner.




I need to concentrate on:

One screenplay, 1 hour length.

One  drama 30 mins.

One series – comedy 30 min episodes.


Belle said...

Good on you babe! Being a struggling writer myself I totally agree re: the whole plan thing. My biggest enemy is my own lack of commitment/laziness, and I sincerely believe once I've managed to get over those hurdles that's half the battle won! So glad you guys are settling in okay, love to you both, Bege xx

Ashleigh Drew said...

Thanks Bege good luck yourself, 2009 is the year!