Monday 23 November 2009

Paris 21st June 2009

I have to say I feel a little guilty that I've not stuck to writing this blog everyday and I am shamlessly stuck not even half way through our massive summer adventure. Happily I have not been writing because I have joined the land of the employed but still my passion and future is writing and that should not be forgotten! So I must continue where we left off, in Paris:

Well we left at 9 am and didn't leave until 11:30 am so yes, we didn't do much! Oh my god, if our tour of Paris was marketed it would be named the 'Everything in one day tour (no time to even take a piss!)". It was a non-stop and exhausting onslaught of beautiful buildings and cultural iconic attractions all on foot and for the most part of the day, fueled by only a crepe!

In all honesty it's a bit of a blur but all was seen: Notre Dam, the Louvre, the Tour du Eiffel in the day, Champs Elise (from a distance) and the Sacre Cour! Here at the steps of the sacred heart we sat, surrounded by locals and some tourists, with a view of Paris and free music. Once again our visit to a city had coincided with a music festival! I think they know we're coming, "music Festival" is just a cover story so as not to embarrass us because obviously everyone had gone to so much effort for us! Anyway we enjoyed the music they put on for us and the show, even if this young girl they really built up to was sadly average! Young footballers balanced balls on their foreheads while climbing lampposts! Incredible we got it all on video! And even Germain Jackson (yes that's right) popped in to say hello, although Andy will tell you that that never happened, but he's just annoyed I saw him and he didn't! Jealously is an ugly thing!

It was after a couple of sets and after the feeling had returned to our tired feet we ambled on back to the metro, to head onto the Bastille for dinner. Max had suggested this as a real Parisian place to go and eat. We found a nice little bar/restaurant and ate THE most delicious medium rare burger that our tiring day had most definitely earnt us!

Paris done. Next....!

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