Friday 20 March 2009

Tipped for great things

I read something very true today in my Shooters newsletter. We will skirt over the fact that it is now 11.35 and I still haven't managed to get on with the Thriller I am writing that needs to be finished in less than 12 days! So the newsletter addressed the point of how one becomes ' Tipped for greatness'. Now, one person's reply to this thread was to say that he Tips himself. It is a more than appropriate response but also very insightful. It made me think: of course we must believe in ourselves and our work but also to believe that the efforts we make will take us somewhere; and not to be halted by others who don't appreciate our greatness as much as we do.

JK Rowling is a perfect example of a writer who was rejected many times before her talents were appropriately appreciated. And had those publishers who turned her away known quite how lucrative her talents were, I am sure then appreciation would have modified!

You see, we are in a unique position ourselves, in as far as we know our talents, we know how easy things come to us, how natural writing feels. Now, as I am at the burgeoning stages of my new career direction I do still find myself trawling through job sites looking for something easy to jump out in front of me and pay me a packet. But I forgive myself for these slips as I always return to my writing questioning why I wasted my time on those job sites at all because you know what, I really tip myself.

I am tipped for great things in writing and although I know that, I won't stop until that is a reality and everyone else knows it too!


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