Tuesday 10 March 2009

Right so when you think about jetsetting off to Dubai, I'm sure what doesn't come to mind is spending 10 hours in an airport lounge. Yeah, neither did we and had we known we would have thought twice! Sadly just as we were praising AirFrance for their croissants, among other things, their appeal flopped like a bad soufflle! Our connection flight was 45 mins after our arrival and we thought this was a little ambitious but we, and at least 7 others, were to find out exactly how unachievable that aim really was. 
On arriving we walked a good 50 kilometre before we saw any sign of life. After which the lady standing in uniform informed us we needed to catch a bus to another terminal. She did neglect to tell us that the bus driver had come runner up in last years 'Slowest driver in France' competition. So with the clock ticking and our boarding time past, we began to worry. But with 15 mins to go, we reach our terminal despite all the drivers best intentions! 
Now we were remaining positive, ignoring the gut feeling France was definitely conspiring against us. However the theory was fully supported as we found ourselves at the back of another huge security queue, encore en fois! We did manage to make our gate a whole 12 mins before our take off but, we had lost the battle. France was victorious.
We were told it wasn't our plane we could spy right infront of us, painstakingly close, which is always a great pet peave of mine when someone tells me what I see is a lie.
'Bloody eyes they keep lying to me, one more time and I'm gone, I tell you outa here then see how you survive!'.
Anyway AirFrance put us on the next flight out, a convenient 10 hours later and kindly offered us nothing in compensation. So alas, a 30 euro rip-off lunch and a few hours of kip later I'm not feeling too jetsetting. But as my wonderful man put it 'Christ babe you're still coming to Dubai', that I am, and isn't that great!

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