Friday 23 January 2009

I heart Italians

It has been brought to my attention that I may sound as if I am making fun of the Italians in my posts. However this really isn't that case. I love Italians. My humor is really a vehicle to feel more comfortable with my current 'alien' status, as the customs that make Italy such a fantastic place are alien to me right now! But there are many things I have become very fond of. For instance Italians are so eager to talk to you, they will speak with utter enthusiasm even if they can see you aren't understanding a single word they are saying! Now this may sound as though it would be frustrating but I find it more comforting as their efforts make me feel welcome and that feels nice. 

Above all things the Italians are without a shadow of a doubt very friendly and seemingly accepting. And at the moment we seem very different from one another but soon I think these little differences won't mean so much. Anyway that is a little more complex than I wanted to go into right now, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am Italians NO-1 fan.  Now I'm off to find out where the fireworks are coming from, I tell you there is always something going on here: Another thing I love about Italians- boy do Italians know how to party - frequently but in a  sophisticated fashion! Can't wait to see the Venice Carnival in Feb!

Oh and just to let you know, the script is coming along, I've had the last few days just playing with ideas as some real life history has added some fantastic pieces to the story but head down and pen to paper next week! 

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