Friday 16 January 2009

Shopping in Italy

Shopping in Treviso is another interesting phenomena. Not only because of their secular natured department stores (as I've mentioned before) but for several reasons. Today lets talk Fashion must-haves!
The Shopping List
There are a few keys items to a shopping list if you are to fit in as a Treivisian! One must have a pair of black lens sunglasses. These are a particular must and a practical requirement if one is to flash a wor
thy Italian stare here and there. It's an art that has to be perfected. I advise beginning your attempts behind the safety of sunnies. Italians manage to stare at you without any obvious message behind their eyes (apart from Security guards that think you're steeling from your shop!).  In the streets of Treviso however they manage to stare at you as if they don't know what it is they're looking at, unsure how to react and almost non-judgmental. Actually no, I take that back. It's totally judgmental, they'r
e just blumming good at not showing it! But staring really is something you have to get used to if you don't want to be the new  girl at work always accusing all her colleagues of sexual harassment. In Italy a bum is to be looked at and admired,  pretty much like everything else really. Try walking through the Piazza with a little baby, like bees to honey I tell you!

If we move down the body to the neck there is once again an item of must have fashion, that lurks here. One has to have a piece of fur darling! Whether you wea
r it round your neck of stuck on your head - it's a necessity. I've opted for a fairly normal furry scarf type number. It has a subtlety about it, more than can be said for the women I have spotted round town with a near alive looking animal thrown over their shoulders, paws gently bouncing off their bosoms as they step! 

Now if we move to the torso we can find the essential down or fur coat. There seems to be an age limit on the fur coats though, 50 and up as far as I have seen! Now I am beginning to believe this item's necessity has b
een less to do with fashion and more to do with the arctic weather Northern Italy enjoys producing this time of year! This really is the only thing that allows you to take a walk around the town without having to stop at every cafe you see along the way and subsequently suffering caffeine induced verbal diarrhea. Although try it once - it's a hoot!
And finally the feet. The feet, ankles and calves have to be protected in what can only be described as works of art - Italian leather boots! My favourite item, well apart from the coat (I hate the cold and it's really been a life saver!). Sadly I arrived in Italy with a pair of new cl
arks boots and so can't justify buying some Italian beauties just yet. Hence I am wearing the boots every chance I get, wear the little buggers out quickly!

Oh and one final tip, don't wear a tracksuit to go shopping in, over here - only in the gym. Just an FYI so you can avoid the "You SO don't have enough money to buy anything here " looks:

 Ciao x


Unknown said...

very interesting and funny...

Ashleigh Drew said...

Thanks Jana x